The habit of civility and coexistence of Salou is adapted to the new times
Salou. Costa Dorada. 01 March 2018. The new social circumstances in relation to attitudes and situations that have appeared in the last two years have advised to update the ordinance of civility and coexistence of the municipality of Salou. The new rules, which modify and modify their application, affect essentially the beaches, the environment or the commerce of the city.
Havent transcorregut two years after the entry into force i, tot i haver modified status previously detected some of the manners in the redactat basic products per noves attitudes, situations and circumstances, as explained by the councilor of Seguretat Ciutadana i Mobilitat, David González . In this sense, it is grouped in a mateix text infraccions typified in different municipal normative d'àrees com can be them of commerce, medi ambient or platges per such d'agilitzar the sanctioning procedure and optimize the resources of the disposa l'administració i Advise a millor eficiència. "Estem davant d'unes modificacions that s'han tractat transversally amb els departaments i hem consensuat i també he has incorporated a procés participatiu ciutadà that has recollit peticions of the population", he pointed.
400 euros for bathing with red flag
In qüestions concerning the norms of conduct: in this article that seeks to guarantee the compliment of the obligations of respecte i resp dels veïns evitant that s'alteri the peaceful coexistence modify the film that fa platges or comerços. D'un banda, recull in quant to the protection of the correct right of the platies i dels espais naturals i litorals the regulations recull també that will be tipificat com a lack molt greu i tindrà a sanction of 400 euros not to respect the prohibition of banyar-se to the plate quan hi hagi flag vermella, així com the fet to realitzar qualsevol activitat playful or d'esbarjo (such i com the lloguer de motos d'aigua, patins ...).
At the same time, the initiative of the Citizen Participation has recollit a proposal regarding the consumption of alcoholic beguards in the public way, except for the prohibition in the spain expressly authoritzats per aquesta finalitat com terrasses i vetlladors, or in espais destinats to the celebration of festes populars, fires or similars.
Altres aspectes that tea in compte on the visual degradation of l'entorn, among d'altres articles that s'incorporen trobem in l'article 10 a seguit de normes that fan referència to the tractament of residus i escombraries that prohibeixen, between d'altres aspectes, use per part of the commercial establishments the content of selective recollida of paper i cartró del carrer i / o not deixar ben plegat, apilat; fill / dipositar escombraries to llocs públics or fora dels contenidors i papereres habilitats to such effectes segons the regulatory norm.
It is also typifies to l'ordenança that l'embrutiment, bad conservation or abandonment of the patrimoni privat that provoked a visual degradation of l'entorn, especially caldrà maintain in bon estat the instal·lacions i tendals; It is also forbidden to draw objectes to the interior of the tancaments and / or tendals, between the norms related to the millora of the commercial aspect.
Pel that fa als animals també s'inclou a apartat relatiu to the alimentació dels animals to the public way, als espais public and / or portalades, finestres, terrasses and balcons sense l'autorització municipal, donat that s'està treballant amb les associacions animalistes del municipi i sem fent referència a l'ordança vigent de tinença d'animals de companyia. These are some of the principal modifications that the ordinance incorporates and that will pass through the approval of the proper dimecres to the plenary.
Tags: salou,
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