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Easter in Costa Dorada and les Terres de l'Ebre

Easter in Costa Dorada and les Terres de l'Ebre

Costa Dorada and Terres de l'Ebre. Easter in the Costa Dorada and Terres de l'Ebre, specifically in Tarragona and Reus, has several flagship events that characterize, and give a significant value that goes beyond religious belief to become tradition. For example, in Reus highlights the procession of Silence, the Sant Enterrament and the Three Graces, and the procession of Sant Tarragona Enterrament declared Traditional Festival of National Interest. The procession travels Reus Silence Holy Thursday night (April 9) the streets of the city in total darkness, lit only by torches carried by the brethren. Emphasizes the contrast with the dull silence of the drums. From the parish of Sant Francesc d'Asís (Calle Misericordia de Reus), at 11 o'clock at night the ringing of church bells outputs the act. The reason for the procession was the transfer of the Steps to the church of Sant Joan where it ends, to attend the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday morning. Already on Friday (April 2), at 11.30 h the image of Jesus Christ from the church of the Immaculate Blood accompanied by the thief, good and evil (represented by two people dressed in armor of sXVII) the "armats" Nazarenes and the Choir School and the choir of singers and musicians of Santo Cristo de la Sangre, which interpret the traditional "Vexilla Regis". The procession moved to the Priory of Sant Pere, where he officiates at the sermon of the seven words (Role of the Agony). At the end of this religious act occurs in the return procession of the Holy Blood of Christ to His temple holder. The arrival of the image is the most moving moment, solemn and traditional Easter Reus. When "armats", who lead the procession, entered the square of the Blood was a silence, which will be broken by the sound of their spears seeped through the floor and making the transition from traditional "chain". Ordering 3 thanks The Capità Manaies strikes three times with his spear in front of the temple. The doors open. When the Holy Christ into the square, "armats" will cease to beat, after hearing the command of the bugle and the Choir School and Chapel of the Holy Christ will sing the "Vexilla Regis". The Holy Christ clavario led by the entrance to the temple be turned to face the three sides of the square and, coinciding with the moment, according to tradition, the devotees can make three requests (Three Graces) to Santo Cristo. After finishing the last turn and proceed to enter the temple, a spontaneous person among those present shouted: "Viva Cristo Rey", and people replied with, "Viva" and intones the Creed. It seems that this symbolic act has its origins in the Good Friday of 1907, when Mark clavario Josep Colom, paused before entering the temple and was turning the Holy Christ to the Reus concentrated in the square could see him. The same Friday at 20 hours, from the Priory of Sant Pere, Sant comes the procession of Enterrament involving the 18 congregations of the city with 19 steps, and the Roman cohort. Just this year has been incorporated step nineteen, which records the moment when a Roman soldier plunges his spear into the side of Christ crucified. This procession dates back to the city of Reus from 1557, when it is the first written reference. The Sant Enterrament in Tarragona The procession of Sant Enterrament of Tarragona is one of the most symbolic events of Holy Week, as evidenced by the fact that it is declared Traditional Festival of National Interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya. This procession dates back to 1550 and is organized by the Brotherhood of Blood, which was created in 1545 when the esparto grass sandal-makers and the city members. Formerly was performed on Maundy Thursday. His journey through the streets of the old people give you a spectacular beauty. While the procession starts at 19:30 on Friday, and from 1545 hours meet the different steps in the Plaza del Rey, collected by the Roman cohort. The "armats" are documented from 1758. They pick up the steps before the procession and lead the procession. The cohort is composed by Captain Manaies, a trumpet toiletries, 6 vanities tamobres (who are dressed in white layer) and 30 "armats" (with red cape, shield and spear). In this procession involving the 11 existing congregations that accompany Tarragona 20 steps. The itinerary is: Plaça del Rei, Passeig de Sant Antoni, Portal de Sant Antoni, Plaça de Sant Antoni, Descalços, Arc de Sant Llorenç, Sant Pau, Pla de Palau, Mare de Deu del Claustre, Escrivanies Velles, Pla de la Seu Les Coke, Pare Iglesias, Haberdashery, Plaça de les Cols, Major, Baixada Misericordia, Plaça de la Font, Sant Fructuós, Rambla Vella, Comte de Rius, Rambla Nova for the section crossing the street Sant Agustí, Sant Agustí , Rambla Vella, Sant Oleguer, Baixada de la Peixateria to return to the Plaça del Rei.   Relatives News Easter in Costa Dorada and les Terres de l'Ebre Easter in Tarragona. Procession and devotion in Heritage Easter in Reus. 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Tags: costa dorada, reus, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, museums
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