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Two conferences and a cultural outing are its ingredients

The Autumn Tastets of Heritage set off in Tarragona

Closure on December14th with a cultural visit to Torredembarra
The Autumn Tastets of heritage start in Tarragona

Tarragona. Costa Dorada. 18 October 2013. Tarragona. 17th October 2013
The Institute Ramon Muntaner and the Public Library of Tarragona have put into motion the Tastets of Heritage of Autumn of Tarragona, with a menu that has as a main ingredient the heritage of the zone of the Baix Gaià. Like this, through two conferences, that take place in the Public Library of Tarragona to the thirst of the afternoon, and of a cultural visit, the Tastets pretend to announce and approach the heritage of the counties of Tarragona to its citizens and also to the teachers of primary and secondary school,as it allows them to experience routes that can be used for the cultural outings of their school centre.

After the conference that opened the edition of autumn of the Tastets this Thursday 17 of October, with the title The Muntanyans: the natural heritage of Torredembarra, the second talk will be on the 28th of November. It is called The architecture of the Modern Movement: Altafulla and Torredembarra 1950-2010, by Manel Ferrer, architect and teacher of the Upper Technical School of Architecture of the University Rovira and Virgili.

Cultural outing to Torredembarra
Regarding the dessert, end of the Tastets of autumn, it will arrive on the 14th of December with a cultural visit to The Muntanyans, salty and salobrars of Torredembarra and to the work of the architect J.M. Sostres Maluquer, Four motels. To the start of the day, people will visit the beach of Torredembarra, where the salty, the salobrers and the muntanyans, three elements differentiated, are one of the last samples of the typical natural landscape of the Catalan meridional coast. For this reason,at the time were included in the Plan of Spaces of Natural Interest. The beach shows what during centuries was the Catalan coast, not more than 50 years ago. It is an exceptional part of our natural heritage with only species.

After lunch will be done a visit to the Four Motels, work of the architect J. M. Sostres Maluquer, sample very valuable of architecture with line and modern bills. It is also a tangible sample of the opportunity of the project of recovery of the Centres of studies of Altafulla and Torredembarra and the EAR.

The cultural visit, with places limited, has a price of 35 euros and includes the transport and the lunch.

Tags: costa dorada, tarragona, museums, literary awards, theaters, concerts, music, festivals, tastets of autumn, tarragona, heritage, menu, conferences, cultural visit, torredembarra
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